Privacy Policy

In accordance with the provisions of Articles 13, 14, and 21 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we hereby inform you about the processing of your personal data in the context of the use of the MB AMG Retail Calendar Shop (, Mercedes-Benz Calendar Shop ( and Mercedes-AMG Calendar Shop ( and your related data protection rights.

1. Contact details of the Data Controller

STAR DISTRIBUTION GmbH, Frank Drechsler (Managing Director), Otto-Lilienthal-Straße 5, 71034 Böblingen
Phone number: +49 7031 6288 3490
Email address:

2. Contact details of the Data Protection Officer
Data Protection Officer of STAR DISTRIBUTION GmbH, Otto-Lilienthal-Straße 5, 71034 Böblingen
Email address:

3. Data Processing | Registration as a Customer
Description of the Data Processing
Personal data is only collected if you voluntarily provide it to us when opening a customer account.
What categories of data are processed?Contact details, address data
For what purpose are these processed?Opening of a customer account
What is the legal basis for processing?Art. 6 (1) b GDPR Contract initiation, Art. 6 (1) c GDPR Legal Obligation
How long is the duration of data storage?The duration of data storage is in accordance with legal retention obligations and is generally 10 years.
Who are the recipients of the dataSTAR Systems GmbH and associated companies and their subcontractors and service providers, Mercedes-Benz Group AG, external service providers or other contractors.
Is there a transfer of data to a third country?No

4. Data Processing | Use of the Contact Form
Description of data processing
We offer you the opportunity to contact us via email and/or a contact form on our website. When used, we collect personal data only to the extent provided by you. In this case, the user's information is stored for the purpose of processing his contact.
Which categories of data are processed? Contact data, Address data
For what purpose are these processed? Processing of requests
What is the legal basis for processing? Art. 6 (1) b GDPR Contract initiation
How long is the duration of data storage? The duration of data storage is based on legal retention obligations and is usually 10 years.
Who are the recipients of the data? STAR Systems GmbH and affiliated companies and their subcontractors and sub-service providers, Mercedes-Benz Group AG, external service providers or other contractors.
Is there a transfer of data to a third country? no

5. Data Processing | Credit Check and Debt Collection
Description of data processing
In principle, various payment options are available to you. In the case of selecting an insecure payment method (e.g. purchase on account), we protect ourselves from possible payment defaults. For this purpose, we may obtain a credit report from a credit reporting agency in advance of granting this payment method. For this purpose, we transmit the personal data required for a credit check and use the information received about the statistical probability of a payment default for a balanced decision on the establishment, execution or termination of the contractual relationship.

If invoices are not paid despite multiple reminders, we reserve the right to pass on the data required for debt collection to third-party companies for the purpose of debt collection.
Which categories of data are processed?Contact data, Address data, Account data
For what purpose are these processed?Protection against payment defaults, Ensuring receipt of payment
What is the legal basis for processing?Art. 6 (1) f GDPR Legitimate interest
How long is the duration of data storage?The duration of data storage is based on the legal retention obligations and is usually 10 years.
Who are the recipients of the data?STAR Systems GmbH and affiliated companies and their subcontractors and sub-service providers, Credit reporting companies, Debt collection companies, Mercedes-Benz Group AG, external service providers or other contractors.
Is there a transfer of data to a third country?no

6. Data Processing | Order Processing
Description of data processing
Personal data is only collected if you voluntarily provide it to us as part of your order, when contacting us or when opening a customer account.
Which categories of data are processed?Contact data, Address data, Account data
For what purpose are these processed?Contract execution, Order processing, Shipping execution, Invoicing, Payment processing, Handling of inquiries.
What is the legal basis for processing?Art. 6 (1) b GDPR Contract initiation and contract execution, Art. 6 (1) c GDPR Legal obligation
How long is the duration of data storage?The duration of data storage is based on the legal retention obligations and is usually 10 years.
Who are the recipients of the data?STAR Systems GmbH and affiliated companies and their subcontractors and sub-service providers, Transport companies and their subcontractors, PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A., Mercedes-Benz Group AG, external service providers or other contractors.
Is there a transfer of data to a third country?As part of contract execution, processors outside the European Union may also be used.

7. Data Processing | Newsletter Registration
Description of data processing
As part of the registration of our newsletter, you provide us with your email address and optionally other personal and sociocultural data. Your data entered during the newsletter registration remain stored with us until you unsubscribe from our newsletter. Unsubscription is possible at any time via the link provided in the newsletter or a corresponding message to us. With the unsubscription, you object to the use of your email address.
Which categories of data are processed?Contact data, Sociocultural data
For what purpose are these processed?Newsletter dispatch
What is the legal basis for processing?Art. 6 (1) a Consent
How long is the duration of data storage?The duration of data storage is based on the legal retention obligations and is usually 10 years.
Who are the recipients of the data?STAR Systems GmbH and affiliated companies and their subcontractors and sub-service providers, newsletter service provider Sendinblue GmbH / Brevo, external service providers or other contractors.
Is there a transfer of data to a third country?As part of contract execution, processors outside the European Union may also be used.

8. Use of "Cookies"
This website uses its own "cookies" to increase user-friendliness ("Cookies" are data records that are sent from the web server to the user's browser and stored there for later retrieval). No personal data is stored in our own "cookies". You can generally prevent the use of "cookies" if you prohibit the storage of "cookies" in your browser.

8.1 How long are cookies stored?
  • Session: At the end of the browser session
  • CSRF protection (Cross-Site Request Forgery): At the end of the browser session
  • Time zone: 30 days
  • PayPal payments: At the end of the browser session (if previously logged into PayPal via the shop)

8.2 How can you turn off cookies?
You can set your browser to inform you about the setting of cookies and decide individually about their acceptance or exclude the acceptance of cookies for certain cases or in general. This function is described in the help menu of every browser, which explains how you can change your cookie settings. However, we would like to point out that the functionality of our website may be limited if cookies are not accepted. You can find these settings for the respective browsers under the following links:

9. Right to object
If your personal data is processed to protect legitimate interests in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 (e) or (f) GDPR, you have the right, in accordance with Art. 21 GDPR, to object to the processing of your personal data if there are reasons arising from your particular situation that oppose the processing. We will then stop this processing unless the processing serves overriding, compelling legitimate interests on our part or the assertion, exercise or defense of legal claims.

10. Rights of the Data Subject
You have the right:
  • in accordance with Art. 15 GDPR, to request information about your personal data processed by us. In particular, you can request information about the purposes of processing, the category of personal data, the categories of recipients to whom your data have been or will be disclosed, the planned duration of storage, the existence of a right to rectification, deletion, restriction of processing or objection, the existence of a right to lodge a complaint, the source of your data if they were not collected by us, and about the existence of automated decision-making including profiling and, if applicable, meaningful information about their details;
  • in accordance with Art. 16 GDPR, to demand the immediate correction of incorrect or completion of your personal data stored by us;
  • in accordance with Art. 17 GDPR, to request the deletion of your personal data stored with us, unless the processing is necessary for exercising the right of freedom of expression and information, for compliance with a legal obligation, for reasons of public interest, or for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims;
  • in accordance with Art. 18 GDPR, to demand the restriction of processing of your personal data, insofar as the accuracy of the data is contested by you, the processing is unlawful, but you refuse their deletion and we no longer need the data, but you require them for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims, or you have objected to processing pursuant to Art. 21 GDPR;
  • in accordance with Art. 20 GDPR, to receive your personal data that you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format or to request the transfer to another controller;
  • in accordance with Art. 7 Para. 3 GDPR, to withdraw your consent at any time with respect to us. As a result, we are no longer allowed to continue the data processing based on this consent for the future; and
  • in accordance with Art. 77 GDPR, to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. As a rule, you can contact the supervisory authority of your usual place of residence, workplace, or our company headquarters. The supervisory authority responsible for us is the State Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information Baden-Württemberg.

If you wish to exercise your rights as a data subject, an email to the above contact details or to our data protection officer will suffice.